
Because Belly Rubs Aren't Enough: Dawg Grog, 'Beer' For Man's Best Friend


Cats have catnip, so why shouldn't dogs get their feel-good fix as well?

Belly rubs may be good and fun, but what if you could sit back and pop open a cold brew for your best buddy -- you know, man's best friend?

Yes, an Oregon man by the name of Daniel Keeton has made a "beer" called Dawg Grog, for our furry counterparts. The doggy beverage, which Keeton claims to contain no alcohol (shame on you, irresponsible pet owners!) is a blend of vegetable broth and spent grain.

The entrepreneurial dog owner, who works at Bend's Boneyard Brewery in Bend, Oregon, told local news station KTVZ that his dog, Lola Jane, has "never walked away from it" and usually licks the bowl clean.


We -- actually wait, we mean our dogs -- will be the judge of that. Us humans will just stick to the regular stuff, for now.